VEX-IQ Robotics is a worldwide recognized snap-together robotics system designed to offer young people an introduction to the areas of Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM).
VEX-IQ Robotics at MASPark is open to all elementary and middle school students. Austin, Crothersville and Scottsburg schools currently have partnerships in place with MASPark and VEX Robotics for their students to participate. Other groups such as 4-H Clubs, churches and Boys & Girls Clubs are also encouraged to get involved. Parents and teachers are welcome to volunteer as well.
Robotics is a fun activity for students and their families, and children learn important lifelong skills at the same time. Students meet once a week on Monday or Wednesday afternoon, starting at 3:15 p.m. and wrapping up around 5 p.m.
Working together in teams of four to 10, students build robots and prepare for popular VEX-IQ competitions which range from local events to the annual world competition. Scott County families are fortunate to have many VEX competitions nearby. The 2018 state tournament will be held in Scottsburg and the VEX World Championships take place every April in Louisville, Ky.
While the competitions are exciting, there’s more to robotics as shared on the VEX Robotics website:
“As the world grows more and more technologically advanced, there is constantly a greater need for engineers, scientists, and other technically-minded individuals. Unfortunately, at current rates, there are simply not enough students excited about engineering to meet the global demand. By its nature, the study of competitive robotics not only encompasses all four pillars of STEM education, but also encourages important skills like teamwork, communication, and project-based organization.”
If your child is interested in participating in robotics, please contact your school’s counselor. If you would like to volunteer to assist with the robotics program at MASPark, please contact us at 812-752-9521.